Please remember the following requests in your prayers. IN MEMORY We lost a beloved sister in the Lord. Ruth Stuart our secretary and Sunday school teacher went home to be with the Lord on April 29th, 2024.She was at Moffet cancer hospital in Tampa Fl. We truly are in mourning here and with her family. Ruth leaves behind three daughters, eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. one brother Earl of Georgia. We are leaving her page up, RUTH'S CORNER as it contains some powerful messages, thoughts and encouragements to people today. Please PRAY FOR BRIAN GILLY, A PASTOR IN WAUCHULA, FLORIDA, AND AN OFFICER IN OUR CHURCH. HE WAS INJURED IN AN OUTOMOBLE ACCIDENT AND SUFFERED SERIOUS INJURIES AND IS RECOVERING WITH A SLOW RECOVERY. we OUR ASKING AND BELEIVING THE LORD FOR TOTAL HEALING! Update Brian is home and continuing his recovery. we sincerely thank the Lord for answering prayers. Pastor David Grace of Indiana has passed away. Pray for his wife and family as they go through this time of loss. Pray for Labelle Rival tabernacle, their Pastor, Lester Grant, has health problems. Also Kim, their song leader is out of the hospital and is at rehab at this time. He hopes and we are praying that he will be able to go home shortly but some accommodations has to be completed in his home first. Pray the Lord will supply some local assistance in building our video studio for our live preaching and teaching. Pray for the young people of different countries that are confused or plain ignorant of Biblical understanding. ( This has happened because our educational system from preschool through college has been brain washed. They outlawed prayer in school and the pledge of allegiance. This opened the door to their doctrine of humanism to fill the void. We see the results around us and in the world today. They are protesting against Israel; WHY? They along with many of the latter generations not being taught true history, fulfilled prophecy and future Fullment that has and is going to take place, Biblical prophies that are' now taking place and the future prophies that the New Testament reveals are already happening. Thier is at least nineteen things that will happen and are now happening before the great tribulation. If the apostle Paul seemed to expect them in his day here we are in the twentieth century A.D. We need to take very seriously as we experience these obvious prophecies in our generation TODAY. We pray for the truth to spread across our country from east to west and on to the farther corners of the world!!!!!! We must move from the feel good preaching and teaching to the reality and the evidence we must have to proper Teaching of the Word of God and His requirement and its proper understanding of the end times we are now experiencing. SO LET US SERIOUSLY BE IN CONTINUOUS PRAYER FOR OUR COUNTRY. WE ARE FACING DANGEROUS DAYS AND MONTHS AHEAD. Forces with great wealth and power are attempting to change this country from a Republic of the people to a Socialist, communist country. They want to remove Christianity, and now remove Bibles from availability. (Will come after our Bibles next.) Remember Matthew 24;13 tell us "Those that endure to the end will be saved. Pray for Ukraine and the people there. Many innocent people have died. Pray for the Russian citizens that are protesting this at risk of imprisonment. MANY FORCES ARE TRYING TO OVERTHROW NOT ONLY AMERICA BUT THE Governments OF THE WORLD. ALL THE SIGNS ARE RAPIDLY FALLING INTO PLACE THAT OUR LORD AND HIS APOSTLES SPOKE ABOUT In the New Testament. Note. please update us your prayer requests. We will be praying for them at our worship services, also and asking our congregation to pray for all of you each day. We are praying in accordance with the Word of God. WE shall continue to pray daily. God Bless, Prayer Team Please Note; please inform us if we have a request to be removed. Bless you. Prayer team. |